In 1953, Jim Welch started a company called Midwest Greens Company. Today the company is known to the floral community as Welch Wholesale Florist, Inc.
In those 71 years, while many changes have occurred, one thing has stayed our focus: the love of fresh cut flowers, and the tenor of excellent service. Thought to be the oldest family owned wholesaler in Indiana, the James C. Welch family has retained ownership since its inception. Today, Jim's two daughters own and manage Welch Wholesale. They share in the vision of a well-run company with attention to detail in both quality of product and service to the retail florist.
Nora (Welch) Steinmetz and Annie (Welch) Horvath share duties as both owners and managers. Annie tends primarily to ensure the best possible product is available to their impressive list of clients, while Nora sells and oversees the administrative responsibilities.
The veteran sales staff doesn't shy away from hard to fill orders or special requests, but rather enjoys the challenge of the toughest wedding orders or large convention or party needs.
But most importantly, Welch Wholesale is a fun place to do business. Jim Welch was always known to have his door open to customers and friends. The attitude certainly exists today as many clients can attest. Welch Wholesale goes the extra mile on each and every order.